Ditch the Diets: Determined to find Healthy Ways to Lose Weight Quick?

You’ve heard the term diet all of your life. Whether positively, have a healthy diet, or a negative manner, don’t stray from this particular diet! Diet is a word that is here to stay. Unfortunately, diet is a negative word for many as it leads to programs that get our hopes up and let us down as they drain our wallets. It’s time to ditch the diets and learn how to lose weight once and for all.

Believe in yourself and your goals and you will crush the goals. You are the one who has control over your mind, body, and diet. Everything. It’s so important to be good to you. If you fail or don’t meet your goals, no one else can do it for you. And the main opinion that matters about you, is, of course, yours.

Where to Start

You don’t have to be a nutritionist or health coach to learn how to lose weight the healthy way. There are so many things that you can do right off the bat that you may have overlooked or just skipped altogether.

  • Drink water throughout the day every day. Not only is this so important for your mind and body to stay hydrated and functioning properly, but it also makes you fuller so you’re less likely to binge on unhealthy foods.
  • Stop buying all the unhealthy things. You don’t have to completely cut out all of your favorite snacks and I don’t recommend that you do that. However, if you purchase less junk food and healthier options, you’re making it so much easier on yourself to eat healthier.
  • Exercise. You don’t have to sign up for a gym membership or force yourself to work out every single day. If you’re not enjoying it, you most likely won’t stick to it anyway. Start small, try taking a 20-30-minute walk each day or every other day. Slowly add in other options such as at-home workouts that are easy to do while you keep an eye on the kiddos.
  • Get plenty of rest. This is something that I struggle with as I have always been a night owl. I cherish the late nights when I can have a few moments to myself to read and relax while everyone else is sleeping. But I could benefit from getting regular, quality sleep each night. Try a warm bath and reading a book versus watching TV before lying down for the night.


Keeping It Up

Once you slowly start implementing healthy options into your everyday lifestyle, it will become easier to stick to them as they will become habits. Don’t expect everything to fall into place overnight, it takes time to adapt to a healthy lifestyle. Nothing worth having comes easy and hey, as they say, no pain, no gain.

  • Don’t beat yourself up if you “fail.” If you have a cheat meal or day or week, don’t beat yourself up. It happens to everyone- we are only human! Just start back and pick up where you left off. Success won’t just happen overnight- we have to work for it.
  • Reach out. Joining a friend on your journey could be beneficial as it’s great to experience something with a positive influence by your side. Or you can join an online accountability group that can help to keep you motivated.
  • Celebrate the small wins. Were you healthy all week? Worked out every day? Reward yourself! Set goals and reward yourself when you achieve them. It doesn’t have to be some major goal, you deserve to feel proud that you are taking the steps toward a healthier you.
  • Stay PositiveWhether it’s through friends and family, meditation, reading, stay positive!

Check out this ultimate guide to losing weight.

Believe in You

The ultimate key to knowing how to ditch the diets and how to lose weight once and for all is YOU. If you don’t believe in yourself, then you likely won’t stick to your goals and you will end up letting yourself down. Realize what you deserve- and go get it!

There are some other great ways to lose weight in a healthy way, such as protein shakes and subscription meal kits that take all of the guesswork out of healthy meal planning. I love using Every Plate as they have a variety of meal options for couples or families. The meals are easy to prepare and so much healthier than fast food! Below are some articles that I believe will help you on your path to a healthy lifestyle.


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Stop Living the Sedentary Lifestyle

Every Plate- Most Affordable Meal Delivery Service

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